(Holograph: 1-adjective-wholly written by the person in whose name it appears; 2-noun-a holograph writing, as a deed, will or letter)
(Skank: Verb-to dance a rhythmic dance performed to punk, reggae or ska music, characterized by bending forward, raising the knees, and extending the hands.)
Holograph to the World, or No One
Restless, again.
I wander aimlessly around my house,
punk rock blasting as loudly as possible
from my laptop in the living room;
it’s a good parallel to my seemingly
helter-skelter life.
I pause for a moment,
skank in my kitchen,
yelling lyrics to my empty house,
I fed my common sense
to the world years ago!
I laugh, half-run and half-skip
then throw myself on to my couch.
So many disjoined thoughts
float through my head:
my punk-rocker crush’s new picture,
seeing my deceased friend’s Facebook page this afternoon,
an upcoming concert date’s rapid approach,
the guy who has fallen in love with an image he’s made of
I shake my head,
shout the lyrics being sung:
Now Mary’s out the
door with a loaded 44 in her hands!
Jilting all these thoughts
from my mind, into the night.
I smirk, lean over,
grab my notebook and pen
and write a happy scene.