Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Quarantined World

Figured this one should go up on here. I've been writing a lot of prose lately, and some poetry that I'm not ready to share. These are strange times indeed, but I've been trying to see the good in it all. One of my very favorite bands released an album not too long before the world was turned on its head, and listening to it now seems like it almost foreshadowed what is going on. (Anti-Flag's "20/20 Vision" for those who may want to check it out.)


Quarantined World

I’m normally a news junky
but I can’t stand to watch for too long now.
Devastating trends
of more and more dead
from just one virus.
No end in sight
quite yet.
A president who cares more about his image and re-election
than doing the hard work of being a commander-in-chief.

Introverts feel lonely stuck in their homes
and miss human touch,
extroverts make friends with themselves.

I’m lucky,
I live in the country
(I’m a city girl, and normally this bores me).
I can get out in the fresh air
and run past cows on dirt roads,
be greeted by neighborhood dogs,
watch the birds,
yell at the wasps.

The world seems smaller than ever before
but, oddly, also bigger.
Humanity and our interconnectedness
weighs on my mind more than normal.
Musicians livestream music from their living rooms and basements,
chefs livestream cooking demos from their kitchens.

We are learning lessons
that our teachers and preachers
have long hoped to instill in us.

Art saves our souls and minds
while scientist work to save our bodies.
And I feel like we’re moving closer to
a John Lennon world
in which we can all
live as one.
I hope this is part of our new normal.