Thursday, May 26, 2022

Activism In A Small Midwest City

Activism In A Small Midwest City


Springfield, MO, where people wear

“Let’s Go Brandon” shirts to their doctor’s office,

where an anti-Vicky Hartzler ad tries

to paint her as too left to represent her district.

Our square, which has a sordid past itself,

was filled with Abortion Rights activists

on a sun-filled Saturday morning.

After not one person showed up at 5pm

outside our courtroom

the day after that supreme court leak.


I show up early,

find a shady spot of grass

and read a book of poetry

not far from an older woman

who had the same idea,

the square fills up around us.


Through the crowd I spot

an elderly woman sitting in her lawn chair,

a white sign with black block lettering

propped up by her chair,

I Remember


A trio of young women fill in beside me.

One holds a white sign,

My Rights As A Woman > Studying For Finals


I drive home choosing the route

that would take me by our local

Planned Parenthood,

where you cannot obtain an abortion, now adorned

with a baby blue sign and white lettering,

Still Here

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