Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Fuckin' A!

So I read a question the other day and I thought, "This would be a good subject for a poem."  So in a weird way (My Way, Damn It!!), I responded to this question.  I expect at least one person to take my advice on this...you'll thank me for sure!! 

Oh, and the title comes from what my first response was after reading though the first draft!!  Ahahaha!!

...And for a list of good punk albums, just ask!!

Fuckin’ A

Yesterday someone posed the question,
How are you respondingto violence
with peace?

I have a shirt that states,

To most, my music
is nowhere near peaceful.
It’s filled with fast guitars busting out
power chord after power chord,
seemingly unending thumping bass lines,
and drummers whose arms never stop flailing.

Yet I still believe
that if more people
could take out their aggressions
in the middle of a mosh pit,
slamming into other bodies,
pumping their fists in the air,
and not giving even a single fuck
to what someone else is thinking
that they would feel more at peace.

So my answer is
that the key to ending violence
is letting your aggression Out!
Not trying to cover it
by just sitting cross-legged
letting out “Ohm” after “Ohm.”
Aggression will just keep coming back
as soon as you leave that state.
Trust me, I know!
Don’t try to cover it up
by smiling and giggling
and joking about injustices
that truly just make you
want to puke.
Your aggression will just keep growing.

So my solution to violence
is punk music.
Seems odd, right? But
next time anger builds up
inside of you,
go to your local record store,
grab the nearest (good!) punk album,
put it on, sit back,
and let the music in.
Your head will start to bop
and move from side-to-side,
then your arms will start flailing about;
and before you know realize it
you’re trying to slam dance
with your stationary furniture!
By the middle of the 3rd song
(or 7th if you’re listing
to the :30 to a minute-song variety),
you will have forgotten
that your anger even existed!


  1. nice...i think there is wisdom here...ha...gt it out in productive ways...a mosh pits not a bad place...been in a few along the way...even worked security for a few crazy ones too...pulling people out but that gets away from your point...and i agree...smiles.

  2. There is wisdom in this, for sure. I like to take out my aggression in slashes of paint on canvas. If only everyone could find something to substitute for violence! My husband knocks the crap out of a golf ball.

  3. I think music is great for so many things... and I love it.
