Saturday, March 15, 2014

Morning Scene

The song in the first verse is "All In a Day" by the outstandingly amazing Joe Strummer, the punk rock warlord, and the original punk rock poet.

Let me know what you think about this piece, please. Thanks so much! :-)

One of my favorite Joe Strummer photos. Found on Google.

Morning Scene

I wake up in a good mood;
even before opening my eyes
the lyrics of a favorite song
are playing themselves
along my mind.
I sing along,
In Sherwood Forrest we had Robin Hood
Everybody’s rocking here around the hood!

I shuffle myself into the kitchen,
pick up an apple and bite,
all the while bopping my head
to what has already become
the day’s soundtrack.

I grab my notebook
then my favorite (clicky) pen,
and take them to the porch.

I write about the things
that make me smile,
that make me tick.
I write knowing that I
am a poet, and this morning
I’m not embarrassed
to admit it.

I watch the runners,
and the bikers, and the motorcyclists,
the drivers, and the neighbors
all go by my house,
and I write for them.

I read the news,
check my social media,
and my e-mails and texts,
and I write for them.

I write about what I know
and what I want to understand.
I write to unite my thoughts
and I hope to write
one day to unite the world.


Monday, March 10, 2014

Just Dented

This is a continuation of one of the pieces that I posted last week. Everyone who told me what they thought said that this was their favorite of the 3, and that it seemed kinda like a song. I write like that sometimes, so I decided to give this form of poem a day (though I'm sure it probably already has one, but whatever!), I'm calling it a song poem. So if anyone actually wants to try to put it to music, have at it. Although I play guitar, I suck at turning my words into songs. 

Let me know what you think of this one! Thanks!! :-)

Just Dented

Fooled again by a man
that I trusted, all while
being more cautious
than I have been before.

He doesn't know
that he didn't break me;
no, this time
I'm only dented.

I’ve been broken before,
kicked and thrown around,
left feeling useless
and not quite whole.

I’m healing, stronger now
where I was once broken.
and this time,
I’m only dented.

Dents still hurt,
still leave a mark.
But each day I’m better,
looking more like myself.

I’ll still think about him.
He left his mark.
But this time,
I’m only dented.

I lock into moments
of peace and happiness,
and drown out those moments
of being using.

He played me,
took me for a ride.
Still, this time
I’m only dented.

My heart took a kick,
lost a little blood.
But I'm still standing,
still smiling, singing,
playing and laughing.


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Life Is My Muse & Other Thoughts From Tonight

I sat  down and just wrote tonight. What came out was one poem and a few shorter verses. The poem is first and then I tacked on the other two things that I wrote, that aren't quite fully formed poems, but I still kinda like them. I hope you do to! Let me know what you think. Thanks!! :-)

Life Is My Muse

I like to find my poetry
where ever I tend to be.

Sitting now on my futon,
Superman blanket draped
over my shoulders, acoustic
music plays from my computer.
My mind is wandering
to the events of this past month.

A rich man tried to woo
me with his fleet of eight cars,
before I realized that he
was just a player.
Sure, his brand new Mustang
was a lot of fun to ride in.
But my beat up 13-year old
Forrester has character,
it has stories.

Besides, he probably wouldn't
have liked being shoved against
the rails at a punk rock concert;
and that's the kind of girl
that I really am.

Just Dented

Fooled again by a man
that I trusted, while more
cautious than I have been before.

He doesn't know
that he didn't break me;
no, this time
I'm only dented.

My heart took a kick,
lost a little blood.
But I'm still standing,
still smiling, singing,
playing and laughing.

Punk Rock Poetry

Punk concerts are poetry.
I feel the most alive
when I'm at one.
Feeling the vibrations flowing
through my entire body,
shaking me to my core
feeding me energy. I can
lose myself in the greatest way.

Silently connecting to others,
moving, singing, sweating as one.
