Tuesday, November 12, 2013

A Poem a Day for November - Day 12: 3-Inch Heels

My Boots!

Feeling a bit sassy this afternoon! Ha! Let me know what you think of this one! :-) Thanks!

3-Inch Heels

I tried not to wear my 3-inch heels today
but my striped knee-high socks
were just not working with my outfit:
short-sleeved, high collared sweater & a swishy skirt.

So (so far) today in my black 3-inch spiked heeled, almost knee-high, boots I:
climbed a ladder to take down a display at the office
(the top rung was a little scary)
power-walked 3 blocks from the car to the restaurant
(it was below freezing out)
moved a heavy table from the lobby to the back hallway
(walking backwards!)
rearranged the lobby
(table, chairs, and set up a mini-golf hole)
swept up after making a mess
(including kneeling down and up with the dustpan)

So, really, what I did:
I rocked today in my 3-inch heels.

And I can take you on any day!



  1. Ha, I am impressed with all that you can accomplish in your 3-inch heels. This poem was fun to read (and to visualize). Smiles.

  2. I love this poem and how you rocked those 3-inch heels all day. Reminds me of the time that I wore my 3-inch heels to the office and ended up hauling a lift chair up a ramp and into the work van.

    1. Thank you! Wow! That's not easy to do in 'regular' shoes either! :-)

  3. Ha! :-D That is fun. It is wonderful that you rocked in you 3-inch heels. :-)

  4. Yep you rocked it. Loaded a piece of furniture into a customers truck the other day. My boots had 3" wedge heels and some how that's easier.
